Te Emi:melh - Child & Family Services Program

 Snowoyelh Te Emi:melh is our Child & Family Services program that operates out of Snowoyelh House located at 5084 Sachem Rd. The office was once a community member’s home, but purchased in 2009 for the Snowoyelh Program, the space is meant to create a safe and welcoming environment for community members, clients, caregivers, family members and supports that access services from our program.

Te Emi:melh program is a full service culturally appropriate child and family services program. Te Emi:melh’s main goal is to ensure safety and wellbeing of children and support families in a culturally appropriate manner. Nine staff work within this program, utilizing Sts’ailes Culturally appropriate delivery of service. Sts’ailes unique approach keeps children within their family system while working with extended family system in developing safety plans and supporting family growth.

Throughout the year Snowoyelh offers various programs based on Sts’ailes Traditional Calendar.

What is Snowoyelh Staff Roles to Sts’ailes Children, Youth and Families?

In a culturally appropriate approach and manner Snowoyelh Staff provide:

  1. Education to Sts’ailes members and their families involved with Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) or delegated agencies such as: Fraser Valley Aboriginal Child and Family Service Society (Xyolhemeylh) systems serving the family and youth.

  2. To help identify the strengths and needs of families.

  3. Be a mediator between the delegated Agency system and the family by helping to educate professionals on the strengths and needs of the family.

  4. Help family members understand the different roles of the agencies involved in the system and how they may affect the family.

  5. Assist families in identifying and utilizing necessary service

If you have any questions or would like to access any of our services please feel free to contact our office:

Telephone: 604.796.1282         Email: snowoyelh.reception@stsailes.com



Ashley Bobb
Te Emi:melh Director
T: 604.796.1282
E: anna.charlie@stsailes.com

Darla Seymour
Letse’mot Outreach
T: 604.796.1282
E: darla.parker@stsailes.com

Micheal Daly
Wellness Outreach Support
T: 604.796.1282
E: micheal.daly@stsailes.com

Cyrus George
Youth Cultural Outreach
T: 604.796.1282
E: cyrus.george @stsailes.com